JBM Home Inspections LLC (812)789-6454
Electrical Inspections
The electrical system is another of the major systems in your home. It consists of the service entrance, electric meter, electric panel, panel ground, along with wiring, switches and lights inside the home.
The home inspector inspects the service drop, drip loop, electric meter, and base while inspecting the exterior of the home. We check the height of the service entrance cables above the ground and roof. The drip loop, electric mast and meter, and base are inspected for general condition and rust, etc.
Once inside, we first locate the main disconnect. We remove the electric panel cover if accessible. The home inspector will check for many problems including but limited to missing knockouts, aluminum branch circuit wiring, incorrect breaker and wire sizes, missing panel enclosure ground, and other wiring concerns.
We inspect the accessible lights and ceiling fans, and check a representative number of outlets to make sure they are functional and wired correctly. The kitchen, bathroom, and laundry area GCFI outlets are tested to make sure they function properly.
Lastly, on the electrical inspection, we look for the presence of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. These are life safety items but are included in the electrical portion of the home inspection.
The electrical inspection on the home and one outbuilding are included in a standard home inspection. Call in advance for a quote if there are other buildings that need to be inspected.

Call or email today to schedule your Home Inspection (812)789-6454