Call today to schedule for this week.  812-789-6454.

Photo Gallery of actual problems found on home inspections in Southern Indiana by JBM Home Inspections LLC.

Failing support beam found on a home inspection near Vincennes in
mold on a rim joist seen by home inspector in crawlspace in petersburg indiana

Failing structural beam found on a home inspection near Vincennes, IN.  This can lead to a major structural failure.  The beam is over 100 years old and has rotted.  It is failing and not providing support for the floor structure.

Mold on a rim joist found by the home inspector in a home near Petersburg, IN.  Mold is caused by excess moisture.  The moisture is condensing due to the insulation being removed by the cable tv company.  In time this will lead to rim joist failure, a major repair.

Vermiculite-insulation problem found by a licensed home inspector near princeton, in
 water heater hazard found on a home inspection near Princeton, IN.

This is vermiculite insulation found on a home inspection near Princeton, IN.   Vermiculite insulation can contain high levels of asbestos.  This is a health concern when found in a home.

Gas water heater setting on the floor of a garage found by the home inspector near Princeton, IN.  The pilot light is less than the required 18 inches from the floor.  This is an explosion hazard.  Gasoline fumes can accumulate in a garage and settle near the floor.  The pilot light can ignite the fumes causing an explosion.

Attic leak-attic leak found while on a home inspecton near washington in
incorrect deck attachment will cause a deck to fail found on a home inspection near evansville indiana

Roof leak found on a home inspection near Washington, IN.  The shingles are in good shape but roof flashing is installed incorrectly.  The leak is rotting the roof decking.  If left uncorrected it will lead to structural damage to the wall and possibly the sill plate.

Incorrect deck attachment found by the home inspector near Evansville, IN.  The joist hangers are the wrong size and the fasteners are incorrect.  This can lead to a ledger board failure and deck collapse, resulting in injury or death.

failing foundation jack on a home inspection in evansville can lead to foundation failure
Crawlspace plumbing leak found by a home inspector/crawlspace inspection

Failing foundation jack and support beam found on a home inspection near Evansville, IN.  This will cause the floors to sag, drywall cracks, and sticking doors.  The jack failed due to rust and the crawlspace has had standing water at some point.  We fully inspect crawlspaces and crawl all accessible areas.  Call today 812-789-6454 to have your crawlspace inspected.

Standing waste water in a crawlspace found by the home inspector while working near Washington, IN.  The water is from a drain plumbing leak.  Besides causing foundation and mold problems this is a major health concern.

Vermiculite a hazardous insulation found on a home inspection
truss chord found by a home inspector in washington in-could lead to roof failure/

Vermiculite insulation found on a home inspection near Vincennes, IN.   Vermiculite insulation can contain high levels of asbestos.  This is a health concern when found in a home.

This is a truss chord in an attic that has been cut to accommodate HVAC ductwork found by the home inspector while working near Washington, IN.  This can cause a roof deck to collapse under a heavy snow or if someone walks on the roof.

termite evidence found on a home inspection near jasper indiana
septic failure found on a home inspection near jasper indiana

Termites have mud tubes on this floor joist found on a home inspection near Jasper, IN.  There are other mud tubes throughout the crawlspace.  They have possibly caused structural damage to the joists.

Septic system failure found by the home inspector inspection near Jasper, IN.  There is no field bed.  The tank is draining directly onto the ground.  This is a serious health concern and not allowed in most counties in this area.

Spotless blower motor for the furnace found by the home inspector
mold in a furnace blower found on a home inspection near Evansville indiana

This is a blower motor for a furnace.  Compare it to the one to the right.  This furnace has an auxilary air filter, the furnace to the right has no air filter.  The furnaces are the same age, 1992.

This is a blower motor for a furnace.  This problem was found by the home inspector near Evansville, IN.  There is major dirt and mold inside and outside the blower.  Besides eventually causing the motor to fail this will cause serious allergies.

improper foundation jacks found by home inspector in the crawlspace near vincennes in
failing foundation jacks found on a home inspection

Improper jacking and blocking under a floor structure found on a home inspection near Vincennes, IN.  The blocks should be turned on edge and the entire assembly should not be leaning.  This can lead to floor sagging or failing and cracks in the interior drywall.

Failed foundation jacks under a support beam in a crawlspace found by home inspector near Newburgh, IN.  This will cause floors to sag and cracks on interior walls.  It is easily repaired by replacing the failed jack.

failed drain plumbing in a crawlspace on a home inspection in newburgh indiana
cut rafter found in an attic by a licensed home inspector while inspecting the roof system

This is a major drain plumbing leak found on a home inspection near Newburgh, IN.  Besides causing damage to the foundation and flooring structure this will cause mold.   The sewer water under the house and the mold in the house are a serious health concern.

A rafter has been cut in this photo seen by the home inspector near Newburgh, IN.  There are also missing collar ties on the rafters.  This weakens the roof structure significantly and can result in a roof deck failure.

Termites found in a basement on a home inspection can lead to flooring failure
plumbing leak in crawlspace found by home inspector near Newburg In

These are termite tubes on a floor joist.  These were found by the home inspector while working near Jasper, IN.  It is hard to know how much damage has been done.  If you look closely you can see they are between the joists and under the subfloor.

There is a slow leak under this bathroom floor.  This was found by the home inspector while checking the crawlspace.  The moisture meter is giving a reading of 34.2, which is very high.  A slow leak can rot the subfloor and floor joists.

furnace flue that is leaking carbon monoxide into the home seen by home inspector in evansville indiana
electric panel rusting hazard found on a home inspection in jasper in

The exhaust flue on this natural gas furnace is disconnected. This was found by the home inspector near Evansville, IN. The disconnected flue will allow carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas to leak into the home. This is a serious health concern.

This electric panel was discovered on a home inspection in Jasper, IN. This panel was located behind the door in a bathroom. The heavy rust is a safety concern.
failing banister failing on a stairway discovered by the home inspector in princeton indiana
Galvanized plumbing found by the home inspector working in jasper indiana

This failing banister was discovered by the home inspector near Princeton, IN.   A railing is supposed to support a force of 200 lbs and it cannot. This is a major fall hazard.

This galvanized plumbing found on a home inspection near Jasper, IN.  This type of plumbing was used until the ’60s and has a typical life span of 40 to 50 years.  This type of plumbing can corrode from the inside out and cause a leak or burst.  There are multiple insurance companies that will not insure a home with galvanized pipes.  The plumbing is considered at or near the end of its service life. 

Plumbing leak found while inspecting a crawlspace near Evansville, IN
Structural termite damage to a floor joist found on a home inspection near Washington, IN

This major shower leak was found while in the crawlspace on a home inspection near Evansville, IN.  If not corrected the leak will rot the structural floor joist and cause mold in the crawlspace.  As home inspectors, we do everything possible to get beneath all plumbing fixtures in a home for a thorough inspection.

A floor joist with major termite damage found on a home inspection near Washington, IN. This home has serious structural damage throughout the crawlspace, even the exterior and interior of the home looked good. Make sure you hire a home inspector who’s not afraid to crawl.

Missing sill plate nut found by a home inspector near Evansville, IN
poor attic venting found by home inspector near jasper indiana

This is a sill plate and foundation bolt found on a home inspection near Evansville, IN. Notice there is no washer and nut fastening the wood flooring structure to the foundation. There wasn’t a single fastener installed on the entire perimeter

Here is an attic ventilation problem found by the home inspector working near Jasper, IN.  There should be a baffle in between these rafters to allow airflow through the attic. The rafter ends were stuffed with baffle insulation by the contractor prior to blowing in the loose fill. The one on the left has been pulled down by the worker. The rest are closed like the one on the right. The attic hasn’t been venting properly since the home was built and the decking has serious damage.

Wet roof decking and mold found by the home inspector near Evansville, IN
failing structural wall found in a crawlspace on a home inspection near vincennes indiana

Wet and moldy roof decking found in the attic by the home inspector near Evansville, IN.  The roof covering on this home was good.  The cause of this excess moisture was poor attic venting along with a furnace pulling intake air from the attic.

This is a failed foundation wall found on a home inspection near Vincennes, IN.  This is a major structural failure and can cause the floors to sag as well as structural problems for the home.

termite evidence found by the home inspector near newburgh indiana
Knob and tube found by the home inspector near Evansville, Indiana.

Termite mud tubes were found on a home inspection near Newburgh, IN.  Termites can destroy the structure of your home without you knowing it.  We offer stand-alone termite inspections.  Call today for a quote! 812-789-6454

Knob and tube found by the home inspector near Evansville, Indiana.  Knob and Tube wiring is at least 80 years old and is a serious fire hazard.  Most insurance companies won’t insure a home if this is present.  If your home was built in the 1940s or earlier you should have your electrical system inspected by a qualified professional.

Major granular loss found by the home inspector while doing a home inspection in evansville indiana
Failing  basement wall found by the home inspector while performing a home inspection in huntingburg indiana

Major granular loss was found by the home inspector near Evansville, IN.  The roof granules protect the shingles from ultraviolet rays.  The loss of granules indicates the roof is aged and will fail soon.

This failing foundation wall was found by the home inspector working near Huntingburg, Indiana.  The wall has bowed inward due to hydrostatic pressure from the hill it is built into.

Aluminum wiring hazard found by the home inspector working near Jasper indiana
wiring problem found in an electric panel by the home inspector in evansville indiana

Aluminum wiring found in a breaker panel  by the home inspector near Jasper, IN.  Aluminum wiring hasn’t been used for branch circuits for decades because it causes a fire hazard. 

Two hot wires were installed on one breaker found by the home inspector near Evansville IN.  Although common this type of installation is dangerous and can result in a fire.  

Double Hot wires found in a Pushmatic panel by the home inspector near jasper indiana
safety hazard in the electric panel found by the home inspector in jasper indiana

This is aged electric panel has two hot wires installed on one breaker and was found on a home inspection near Jasper, IN.  The installation of two hot wires under one screw is a serious fire hazard in all but a few brands of panels.  

Here someone has installed the ground wires and neutral wires under the same screw.  Although common, this installation is incorrect and is a safety concern.  This was found by the home inspector working near Jasper, IN.  

Safety concern found by the home inspector in Evansville Indiana
fire hazard found in an electrical panel by the home inspector in evansville indiana

Ground wires and neutral wires under the same screw were found by the home inspector in Evansville Indiana.  An individual terminal should be provided for the connection of each branch-circuit neutral conductor. When the neutral is disconnected, the objective is to still have the equipment ground connected.  If the neutral and grounded conductors are both under the same terminal, this cannot be accomplished.  This installation can also cause the wires to loosen and become a fire concern. 

Two neutral wires are terminated under the same screw in multiple locations on this electrical panel found by the home inspector working near Evansville In.  While this type of installation is somewhat common, it is incorrect and a fire hazard.  The wires can become loose and start arcing.  

 two wires on one circuit breaker in the electric  panel found by the home inspector near Newburgh, IN
Leaning blocking found by the home inspector new newburgh, indiana . This could lead to a structural failure.

Double Tapped Breaker found by the home inspector near Newburgh, IN.

Improper and leaning crawlspace blocking found by the home inspector near Newburgh, IN.

This is an example of a problem found in electric panel by the home inspector working near Newburgh, IN
Cut truss cord found by home inspector near Evansville, In

Grounds and Neutrals under the same screw in an electric panel.  This was found by the home inspector working near Newburgh, IN

Another cut truss found in an attic.  This can lead to roof failure and was found by the home inspector working near Evansville, IN.

An outdated and obselete electric panel found by the home inspector near jasper, indiana
An outdated and dangerous electric panel found by the the home inspector in evansville, indiana.

Here is an old Pushmatic electric panel found by the home inspector working near Jasper, IN.  These were panels were good in their day but are now obselete.

Here is an old Federal Pacific Stab Lok Breaker panel found by the home inspector working near Evansville, IN.  Besides having missing breakers which causes an electrocution hazard, these panels are considered a fire hazard because the breakers fail to trip when they should. 

Improper blocking and supporting in the crawlspace found by the home inspector near newburgh indiana
gutter discharging behind stone veneer siding found by the home inspector near evansville indiana

This improper blocking was found by the home inspector working near Newburgh, IN.  If concrete blocks are used for supporting the floor structure they should be on edge (holes facing up), cribbed to the correct height, and have a board with shims on the top.  

Incorrect gutter installation found by the home inspector while inspecting a  roof near Evansville, IN.  This installation with no flashing will cause water to discharge into the wall.  

roof structure in the attic damaged by fire found by the home inspector near evansville indiana
cut floor joist found by the home inspector working near newburgh indiana

This evidence of a previous attic fire was found by the home inspector near Evansville, IN.  Make sure your home inspector does all they can to inspect hard to reach places.

This is photo of a floor joist that has been cut and improperly repaired on a flipped house in Newburg.  This is a major structural concern and should be corrected.

missing ductwork found during an hvac inspection by the home inspector in linton indiana
Alternative foundation anchoring system for a mobile home

The void between studs in a wall is being used as a return air duct found by the home inspector working near Linton, IN. The problem noted is the duct isn’t air sealed from the attic. The insulation is loosely stuffed into the void and has direct access on the other side to the attic. This is drawing humid air from the attic into the A-coil in the summer and causing mold problems.

The home inspector found this mobile home pan foundation system working near Linton, IN.  This is an alternative anchoring system that is used for mobile homes.

disconnected sewer pipe in a crawlspace found by the home inspector near newburgh indiana
air admittance valve found near evansville indiana

The main sewer pipe leading from this home is disconnected, causing sewage to discharge into the crawlspace, unknown to the occupants of the home.  What’s in your crawlspace?

This air admittance valve has been added under a sink to allow air into the plumbing system so it can drain properly.

Serious fire damage in the crawlspace found by the home inspector near newburgh indiana
Neutral wire with melted insulation found by the home inspector near evansville indiana

Undisclosed fire damage found in crawlspace by the home inspector near Newburgh, IN.  The floor joist in this crawlspace have enough damage to be a structural concern and should have been disclosed.

A neutral wire with melted insulation found by the home inspector near Evansville, IN.  This indicates the wire is overheating.  Malfunctioning neutral wires are a cause of house fires.  This electrical system should be evaluated by a licensed electrician.

Old fashioned fire suppression found by the home inspector near linton indiana
Good foundation support beam seen by the home inspector near newburgh indiana

The home inspector found this old time fire suppression found in the attic near Linton, IN.  Although probably not functional it’s an interesting find.

We have so many photos of failing beams and supports that I thought I would share a good beam.  This was found by the home inspector working near Newburgh, IN.

Failing floor structure being propped up by bed posts found by a home inspector near Newburgh IN
Floor joist destroyed by termites on the home inspector near newburgh indiana

The flooring structure in the home is failing and some one has propped it up with bedposts.  What’s in your crawlspace?

Here is a floor joist in a crawlspace that has been completely destroyed by termites.  The county assessors site and the listing showed the house had 1/2 basement and 1/2 slab.  

Incorrect and failing pier found by the home inspector in a crawlspace ne evansville indiana
Scuffed shingles found on a roof by the home inspector near evansville indiana

Another failing pier found by the home inspector in a crawlspace in Evansville, In. 

Scuffing damage to roof shingles found on a home inspection near Evansville, IN.  This has most likely been caused by someone walking on the roof and slipping.  It will result in early shingle failure in this area.

Electrical problem found by the home inspector near evansville indiana
old knob and tube wiring in use and improperly spliced

If you look closely at this photo you can see that there are grounds and neutral wires twisted together under one screw on the neutral bar and there are two hot wires twisted together under one screw on a circuit breaker.   This can cause the wires to get loose and overheat which is a fire hazard. 

missing roof flashing causing damage inside the wall found by the home inspector near evansville indiana
sill plate damaged by the missing flashing shown in photo to the left

Kickout flashing at a roof wall intersection is critical.  This small opening in the siding at the roof wall intersection has let enough water into the wall structure to rot the sill plate in the crawlspace below due to the gutters above it overflowing.

This is the sill plate directly below the flashing problem in the photo to the right.  The sill plate is completely rotted and can be crumbled in your hand.

Poor flashing found by the home inspector near Evansville IN.
Poor flashing found by the home inspector near Evansville IN.

Here’s an example of poor and missing chimney flasing.  This is cause leaks into the wall and ceiling on the home.

Termite damage to the floor structure found by the home inspector in Newburgh, IN.
Electrical hazard found by the home inspector in Washington, IN.

Termites have destroyed this floor joist in Newburgh, IN from the inside out.  There were no exterior mud tubes seen.

Live Knob & Tube wiring found in Washington Indiana home.  This type of wiring is considered a serious fire hazard.

Split floor joist found by the home inspector in evansville, in.
Cracked plumbing vent found by the home inspector in newburgh IN

Split floor joist found in a basement in Evansville.  This joist is near failing and can be felt while walking above.

Cracked plumbing vent found near Newburgh, IN.  This crack is allowing sewer gases into the home.

Call or email today to schedule your Home Inspection (812)789-6454