JBM Home Inspections LLC (812)789-6454
Approximately 20% of homes in the United States have an on-site septic system. These systems treat and dispose of wastewater. Septic systems are most prevalent in rural areas or small towns. The Septic Dye Inspection can help identify is there is a failure with the system.
A septic system consists of the main plumbing drain, a septic tank, and a drain field or leach field. The home’s waste leaves the house via the main plumbing drain and flows into the septic tank. Solids settle out in the tank where they are consumed by bacteria. Wastewater liquid flows into the leach field and is absorbed by the soil. One of the biggest problems I see in older rural homes is the kitchen and laundry plumbing bypasses the septic system and flows out in a ditch. The other problem is when there is a tank, but no leach field, rather an open drain. Both of these practices are not allowed in Indiana.
A failing septic system or lack of a septic system can pollute groundwater and contaminate drinking water. They will cause foul odors and attract mosquitoes and flies which can spread disease.
Maintenance of a septic system is the responsibility of the homeowner. Proper care of the system starts with being careful what is poured down the drain. Oils and grease should not go in a septic system and garbage disposals should be avoided. Septic systems should be inspected every two to three years and pumped out every three to five years.
Septic dye testing will likely show an open drain if it is in close proximity but doesn’t provide insight into the condition of a septic system. A functional septic inspection can usually be acquired from a septic installer. JBM Home Inspections LLC performs septic dye testing in addition to standard home inspections when requested for an additional fee. The waste and drain plumbing are inspected and we perform a septic load and dye test. We then locate the tank and field bed when possible. The field bed and area ditches are evaluated for leakage of the dye. We also contact the county health offices to find if there are any known upgrades to the system.

Call today to schedule your inspection (812)789-6454